Best Animate shows for Adults

Alright I tend to avoid list, so please note that these are not in any sort of order! Basically the only reason I am doing this is cause unlike most fools I do have a grand love for all things animated(from anime, to kids shows), and I don’t feel like enough people understand that it’s not just for kids. As well as that I am trying to find a new show similar to these and all that ever comes up is family guy or the Simpsons! So if you know of any feel free to let us know.



Alright I know it’s an obvious one but bear with me, not nearly enough people I know have watched it. Basically it’s a show about what not to do if you’re a spy, you know simple things like don’t date co-worker, don’t come into work drunk and don’t piss of a cyborg… you know the basics!

All of the Avatar Series


So this is a kids show but like everything I am mentioning it does not deserved to be overlooked. Both shows follow the journey of the Avatar, a person who in each generation has the power to control all four of the elements. Honestly despite the fact that it is indeed a kids show  I would have to say that this show deals with more emotional growth and doubt (such as Zukos Journey) than any of the best dramas on tv. seriously if your kids can tell this you should be old enough to cope on to it as well.

Rick and Morty


So moving away from kids shows Rick and Morty is exactly what it says on the tin, its a show about a mastermind-scientist-alcholic-grandad and a not-so-bright Morty. Honestly it just about adventure’s they go on, which isn’t as lame as I am making it out to sound, it honestly pretty decent.

Fairy Tail


I don’t care how old you are this show is ridiculously good. It takes place in a land with magic where a troublesome and excentric guild exist by the name of fairy tail. Its one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, with characters that I wont even try to explain with words… seriously just watch it

FullMetal Alchemist

banner_528This show it not for the faint of heart, within the first few episode you watch as two young boys attempt to defy the laws of alchemy to bring back their mother from the dead, one losing an arm and the other his body. And I promise you it doesn’t get much happier after that. Its set in a world where the laws of alchemy exist, as you balance out what you take by giving an equal portion back to the world. It filled with “major” and more often than not, tragic plot twist as the two boys attempt to return to their original bodies, while getting caught in the middle of an all out civil war.


All I can say is that if you have a dry, and I mean like Sahara dessert dry sense of humour, this is the show for you


Death Note

death-note-death-note-666036_576_460Another dark anime here about your normal honour student who happened to get his hands on a Death note, allowing him the power to kill at will, a power he embraces. All he needs is a name and a face and you can be dead as he see’s fit. Corrupted by this power he attempts to cleanse the world by killing all villains and thugs, while a mysterious man who goes under the alias “L” follows in hot pursuit. Out of everything I ever watched I have to say the ending for the first season of this was one of the most well written that I have come across, although I am not gonna lie its best to stop their, the only good thing about season two is the weird opening credits.

Ugly Americans

5147071719_3272626a40I know I said that I wasnt doing a list but I did save the best for last. Ugly Americans takes place in New York, in the department of integration, where zombies, demons and vampires go to get citizenship. Its full of reference that I can promise you’re not to old or young to not get and it just brilliant from the concept to the zombie roommate to the demon boss. Their only 20 minutes long and only two season, I promise it wont take up that much of your like!

The Stop Motion Jazz

Right so I mentioned my project last time for my stop motion piece ‘The Everyday Situationist’ and I taught that I would show you a simple way for making your own stop motion. Keep in mind this was just a prototype and will be easy to replicate if you wanna try it.

Basically it involves a camera and slowly moving a piece in front of a camera .And its in these pictures that make a frame, which when placed together can make a short video piece. Depending on how realistic you want the video to be you can add more frames a second, which takes more time and will power to only change the object in the frame as slightly as possible between frames. For how I made my actual video you need a live feed from a DLSR camera and a program for stop motion (if you use dragon frame theirs a months free trial and it’s pretty decent) and from then on it pretty simple, until you get to the joys of editing the video piece together (with movie maker, or premiere)

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The Everyday Situationist set

So the Situationist art movement was a movement unlike any other, and the movement that I got placed with for my final assessment for college. Basically what they wished to do was create a new everyday, where people wouldn’t be burdened with the mundanely of the nine to five. One of my favorite artist of this Constant Nuremberg ,who took this philosophy and created what he referred to as a New Babylon.

So it’s with this movement and man, that I pieced together my own reality in a short video titled “The everyday Situationist” which I will upload shortly. Underneath is the set that I made for the production, fell free to let me know what you think;

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My First Set

So long time no post, but I have a pretty decent excuse, I have spent a long time getting into college. Actually I have just finished my first assessment, where me, along with four others in my group, had to write/design and perform a play for the local primary school.

Naturally I got put in charge of set and this is the end result. Hope you enjoy, I will be trying to get my portfolio that I used to get into college up here at some point soon (just in case theirs anyone out their stressing as much about a portfolio as I have) Enjoy!

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Pictures NOW IN 3D

So what the deal with the big 3D craze? yeah I don’t get it either, much alike everyone else who reads this blog with the exception of a blind “viewer” or two, I see things in 3D, like everyday, sometime if I walk into these 3D object it even feel like they are solid. So now we have accomplice the fact that seeing things in 3D is no real big feet, is it really worth wasting on extra euro (or dollar/pound) to watch a movie? And while we are asking that, why is the idea of a picture being in 3D that much impressive to your standard 2D pictures?

I will tell you why 3D is so big, because of artist like; Nagai Hideyuki. So what Nagai Hideyuki does that makes him so remarkable, is creates small imaginative figures, that’s drawn is such a realistic and skillful manner that’s makes them appear in 3D, when viewed from that right angle, very similar to that chalk artists Julian Beever, So if you like and wanna check out more of Hideyuki’s art, you can find it at;

You got something on your face?

So if I told you that after all those years of getting childish tigers and pale ghost face-paintings splashed across your face, that it was actually possible to recreate a work of unquestionable art in its stead, what you say? I do agree that silly face painting IS  a waste of money, although the idea of face-painting was not wasted on Andy Alcala who took the consept to the next level.

I am  sure if this talent was acquired by a massive insecurity of Andy Alcala as he wished to hide his true face behind beautiful works of art, or if he had a uncontrollable urge to wear make up and cancelled out this odd fetish with this peculiar method of face-painting, there is no denying that the end result is very impressive. Anyways to check out his tumbler page or spy on more of his pictures you find him at this link;

Art FINALLY meets Fashion?

If someone where to ask we that i would spend the past hour looking at a clothing website called Allen Solly, I would have laughed, as most of my shopping is done at shady market places, hey don’t call me crusty (that’s the irish term for hippy) it’s just hat i am into, HOWEVER i did find this amazing web site that’s sells clothes. Although it’s not the clothes that strike me as much as the unique style of photography they use to display their merchandise.

So if you see anything u like it can all be brought online @ or if you wanna check out some more cool modeling pictures I am sure they are to be found either on their site or at google images.


Mr Brainwash

I know what your thinking, Mr Brainwash, sounds like a cheesy late 50’s horror film gone wrong (I don’t really know why late 50’s but it makes me sound like I know what I am talking about) Mr Brainwash who is formally known as Thierry Guetta, LA Film maker and pop artist shocked viewers at his Life is Beautiful exhibition back in 2008 and has been doing so ever since.

Mr Brainwash, who started his art career as a journalist, as he documented street art all over, soon became inspired not only to create the ultimate Street Art documentary, but to pick up a spray can as well and dabble his hand in art.

With many accomplices under his belt, such as designing the cover to madonnas greatest hits CD “Celebration”, Guetta has become a ledgend in the Art world

When I say I have only showed you a fraction of what Mr Brainwash is capable of on this post, trust me there is much more, so check out



Shes the Wizard

I am sure that you are all familiar with the movie “She’s the Man” (if not go, NOW, and buy it) Well I decided to draw a small poster and a mash-up between “Shes the Man” and “Harry Potter”, where Ginny joins the mens Quidditch team and meets the handsome seeker Harry who is under the impression that shes a MAN.